스코틀랜드 여행자 코로나 19 자가격리 해제 및 7월 15일부터 관광지 오픈
스코틀랜드에서 7월 10일 부터 코로나 19 여행자 자가격리가 모두 해제 되었습니다.
관광지를 비롯하여 숙박시설, 펍을 비롯하여 일부 식당들도 안에서 식사를 하실 수 있도록 오픈 되어 있는 상황입니다.
아래 내용은 스코틀랜드 관광청에서 저희 회사 앞으로 온 편지 입니다.
Historic Scotland
Historic Scotland - Re Opening Our Sites
We are delighted to let you know that we now have plans in place for re-opening our sites - we hope you have missed them as much as we have!
From Wednesday the 15th of July we will open over 200 of our outdoor unstaffed and key keeper sites which are free to access. On this date we will also open free access to the grounds of Doune Castle, Caerilverock Castle and Dundonald Castle. Tickets are not required for our unstaffed and key keeper sites.
From Saturday the 1st of August we will start opening our paid for attractions, the first being the exterior access to Edinburgh Castle, Stirling Castle and Urquhart Castle, as well as prioritsing access to interior spaces where social distancing can be easily maintained. It is anticipated that by the end of August further internal spaces will open at all 3 sites however this will be assessed in line with Scottish Government guidance. Tickets must be pre-booked to visit our paid for attractions.
The next 23 sites, which can be can be found at historicenvironment.scot/coronavirus will open on a rolling basis during August and Sepetomber.
Booking Tickets
Tickets for visits for 1st ~ 14th August will be available for Edinburgh Castle, Stirling Castle and Urquhart Castle from 10am on Wednesday the 22nd of July 2020. You will need to book in advance to help us keep our sites safe and so everyone ca enjoy their visit. If you are travelling by car to Stirling Castle or Urquhart Castle you will need to book your parking. Stirling Castle car park will be free for members for the rest of the year and Urquhart Castle has no parking charges.
Please visit : historicreopening.scot to book your tickets. Ticket bookings will only go live at 10am on the 22nd of July. Tickets should only be booked as per your membership category. If you don't have online access you can call : 0131 668 8831, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, where a member of our team can book tickets for you.
When booking tickets, please only book tickets for dates and sites that you will visit as bookings are capacity managed and we want everyone to be able to get the chance to enjoy visiting sites once again.
에딘버러 시내 투어를 비롯하여 하이랜드 및 스카이섬, 스코틀랜드 모든 정보와 투어 문의는 스코틀랜드 한인민박인 에딘버러 은아네 민박과 스코틀랜드 한인 전문 여행사인 B K T (Bo Ko Tours)에 문의 주시면 자세한 답변 드립니다.
예약 문의는
카페주소 : http://cafe.daum.net/euna310
카카오톡 : bowenkim
이메일 : kimsi_43@hanmail.net
연락처 : +44 (0)77 2511 5690