아쉽게도 2021년 밀리터리 타투 공연이 취소 되었습니다.
아쉽게도 2021년 밀리터리 타투 공연이 취소 되었습니다.
오늘 (2021년 5월 18일) 밀리터리 타투 공연 티켓 사무실에서 저희 여행사에 취소 메일이 도착했습니다.
2021년 밀리터리 타투 입장권을 구입하신 분들은 전액 환불이 가능하시고,
원하시면 2022년 밀리터리 타투 공연 티켓으로 대체 가능합니다.
입장권 미리 구입하신 분들은 공연 티켓 금액 환불 받으시거나 내년 티켓으로 체인지 하시길 바랍니다.
아래에 티켓 오피스에서 오늘 받은 메일 입니다.
The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo announces cancellation
May 18 2021
The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo announces the cancellation of its 2021 Show.
Our Chief Executive Buster Howes shares a full update.
“Despite the sense of optimism around the UK’s emergence from the Pandemic and our huge enthusiasm to stage a performance this year, it is now clear that the financial risks we confront in delivering The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, at scale, on the Castle Esplanade in August are simply too great. Consequently, it is with enormous regret and disappointment that we announce the cancellation of the 2021 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.
“We have for months forensically monitored, assessed and sought to mitigate the constraints and uncertainties involved in mounting our Show. However, we now reluctantly conclude it would be irresponsible to press on and to risk the longer-term financial viability of our Charity, without the ability to underwrite and to offset the potential, substantial economic losses associated with last-minute cancellation obliged by changes in public health policy.
“This has been a very difficult decision. We appreciate it has far-reaching implications for our staff, performers, suppliers, and guests, but we must act responsibly and, in the best, long-term interests of all. Tickets for 2021 will be refunded in full: for those wishing to join us next year, tickets can be transferred to 2022.
“A tremendous amount of energy and effort goes into planning and delivering each Tattoo and this year was no exception. This is a very disappointing outcome. We will now refocus to find other ways to contribute to the national spirit of recovery this year and to surprise and delight the people of our City and from further afield.
“We would like to thank all our ticket holders, friends and stakeholders for their patience over the past year as we have navigated the uncertainty of the Pandemic. Their continuing commitment and support has been much appreciated by everyone at the Tattoo and we look forward to welcoming them back to the Esplanade in the future.”
For customers who have purchased tickets for the 2021 Tattoo, you will have now received an email with full details on what you should do next.
You can also visit our FAQs for further information.
The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo will return to the Edinburgh Castle Esplanade from 5th – 27th August 2022. Keep up to date with our activity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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